The Cape Fertility Clinic was established in 1993. It is situated in Cape Town, South Africa, one of the most beautiful cities worldwide.
A modern sophisticated laboratory allows all the latest assisted conception techniques to be used with great success. There are approximately 850 IVF (in vitro fertilization) cycles performed each year. It is one of the largest IVF centers in South Africa.
We provide a friendly, caring environment to help couples cope with fertility treatment. Our IVF coordinator and a psychologist are available to provide additional counseling. Our premises are purpose built within an IVF operating theatre, laboratory and embryo transfer room all adjacent to our main reception and staff offices.
Our medical team consists of four Specialists in Reproductive Medicine:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
IVF in Mexico
Mexico IVF treatment
I have been looking into the cost of IVF and Surrogacy Worldwide. There are two websites that have some breakdowns available. They are and at
The real value depends on what your needs are and what part of the world you live in. Travel expenses such as Hotels and airfare really add up fast.
From the USA, Mexico IVF appears to be a value price leader. The full fees for IVF and ICSI are only $4,000. Medication are in the $1,500 - $2,500 range. And there are round trip flights from almost all major US cities for around $300 round trip per person.
Many of the doctors are trained in the US and many clinics will let you bring your USA surrogate down to Mexico to transfer. With a surrogate from the US you only need to leave the country once for the transfer. The baby would be born in a US hospital with your normal doctor.
You can get the full treatment (IVF, ICSI, Meds, and Surrogate) start to finish for $20,000 - $30,000 and you only need to visit Mexico once. This is really a valid option that many people should explore.
I have been looking into the cost of IVF and Surrogacy Worldwide. There are two websites that have some breakdowns available. They are and at
The real value depends on what your needs are and what part of the world you live in. Travel expenses such as Hotels and airfare really add up fast.
From the USA, Mexico IVF appears to be a value price leader. The full fees for IVF and ICSI are only $4,000. Medication are in the $1,500 - $2,500 range. And there are round trip flights from almost all major US cities for around $300 round trip per person.
Many of the doctors are trained in the US and many clinics will let you bring your USA surrogate down to Mexico to transfer. With a surrogate from the US you only need to leave the country once for the transfer. The baby would be born in a US hospital with your normal doctor.
You can get the full treatment (IVF, ICSI, Meds, and Surrogate) start to finish for $20,000 - $30,000 and you only need to visit Mexico once. This is really a valid option that many people should explore.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Barbados Fertility Centre
$7,500 and 2 weeks in Barbados. Can you make a better choice?
A Holiday with a Purpose
We would never pretend that going through an IVF program would not be stressful. But with a number of recent studies psychologists have established that by reducing a couples stress levels while they undergo fertility treatments, a marked increase of a successful outcome is achieved. With that knowledge what better place in the world to reduce your stress than in the exotic island of Barbados in the Caribbean. Click here for success rates.
In between your appointments, you have constant access to our team of experts by cellular
phone but with the freedom of being on holiday. You can enjoy the soothing sound of the lapping Caribbean Sea, go for a long romantic walk along the white sandy beaches and then enjoy the tantalizing tastes of the Caribbean’s cuisine. Barbados is famous for its world class luxury hotels and we have selected some of the best the island has to offer. CLICK HERE to see the locations we have selected for you to choose from to stay in while attending our Clinic.
Obviously, in order to pursue your treatment in Barbados there are some preliminary steps you need to undertake in cooperation with your local doctor/clinic so that your time spent in Barbados can be kept to a two week timeframe.
Upon arrival in Barbados you are met at the airport and taken by private luxury car to the hotel of your choice where our Patient Liaison Manager will meet with you to ensure that you have settled comfortably. You will be given a programmed cellular phone to enable you to contact us at any time but give you the freedom to enjoy being on holiday. Your appointments schedule will be given to you with collection times for your transportation to and from all appointments. In order to give you a choice of hotels and packages we have selected a number of wonderful hotels and created three levels of accommodation packages in order to make travel arrangements easier for you. CLICK HERE for details and costs of these packages. The details of each are laid out under packages available.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
South Africa - Nurture - South Africa’s premier Egg Donor and Surrogacy program
Nurture - South Africa’s premier Egg Donor and Surrogacy program is the creation of two fabulous South Africans who have experienced the heartbreak of infertility first hand - Melany as an egg donor, and Tertia as an infertility patient who went through 9 IVFs to achieve her dream. Joined by two other IVF veterans, Sue and Kim, the gals at Nurture make a formidable team who combine the best of heart and soul to provide truly excellent service.
A global business with a local touch, we absolutely love what we do, and our passion shows through in everything about us. We pride ourselves on providing the best care and support for our donors, our surrogates and our intended parents, facilitating the process from application through to donation and beyond. In a nutshell, we care. We call. We write. We rock.
“Thank you so much for your help and quick response. It is a pleasure dealing with professional people in such emotional times and you and your team should really be proud of the service you provide.”
So, Why Choose Nurture?1. We are local and local is deliciously lekker
But it is not just the locals we smaak. Because we are an equal opportunity company, we *heart* the tourists too. They are more than welcome to spend their hard-earned cash in Sunny South Africa. Of course the International visitors really score seeing as you get about a billion Ronts for one Dollar! But that’s ok. It’s good for them, it’s good for us and it’s good for South Africa! Viva!
2. We know this business better than anyone else
There is no one who knows the donor side of the business better than Melany does. And there are few people out there who could wrestle the Infertility Queen tiara away from Tertia. Between the four of us, we have personally done 36 37 IVFs!! We know our stuff. There might be a few Johnny Come Latelys out there who are promising the world (and delivering a lot less!) but don’t fall for that spiel. If it sounds too good to be true, it IS too good to be true!
“Thank you so much for everything - for your wonderful professionalism and speed at dealing with queries. I have been dealing with more than your agency and there is no comparison - you certainly have the edge!”
3. We are an Everything Friendly Company
Here at Nurture we are Gay Friendly, Women Friendly, Tourist Friendly, Green Friendly, Organic, LoCal and free of any added preservatives. In fact, Nurture is so everything-friendly that if we tried any harder we would be Mother Theresa. (That’s if Mother Theresa was as fond of Chardonnay as we are)
“We will always cherish your guidance, humor, patience, and warmth throughout this period of time. You always followed up on things in time and we never felt pushed to make any decisions, but we also did not feel alone no matter what the decision was. We would like to thank you for the professional and personal help.”
4. Our donors are 100% Fabulous
Being the shy and retiring types (AS IF!), we don’t want to sound conceited or anything like that, but seriously – we have better donors and surrogates than anyone else. We pride ourselves on only taking on really exceptional donors and surrogates, both on the inside and out. Here at Nurture we give you 100% genuine fabulousness – no Photoshop or Creative Editing allowed!
So in a nutshell, we are better at this than anyone else, our donors and surrogates are a cut above the rest AND our rates are affordable. It’s a win-WIN-WINNA situation. Yeah!
If you are considering becoming an egg donor, please click here for information on how to apply and here for further information on egg donation.If you are considering becoming a surrogate mother, please click here for information on how to apply and here for further information on surrogacy.
If you are a potential recipient and would like to view our database of available donors, please click here.
Life is either a great adventure, or it is nothing.
Helen Keller
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Russia - Low cost Surrogacy Program
Low Cost Surrogacy Options starting at $35,000.
This must not be in US dollars. It is very high to be advertised as low cost.
Also, there are a lot of addition fees.
It does not include:
Low Cost Surrogacy Options starting at $35,000.
This must not be in US dollars. It is very high to be advertised as low cost.
Also, there are a lot of addition fees.
It does not include:
- Expenses to travel to Russia (2 trips)
- Accommodations Expenses
- Food Expenses
- Surrogate synchronization
- Medications
- Intnded Parents medical screening performed in the US.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
IVF Prohibition In Costa Rica
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is unconstitutional in Costa Rica since 2000, when sentence 2000-02306 dictated by the Constitutional Room of the Supreme Court of Justice of the State of Costa Rica, prohibited its use because it was considered that it violated life. (Available at: This ruling of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica could be against the right to found a family and to have access to health, expressed in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of the UN: -Article 16.1- all men and women have right, without restriction for reason of race, nationality, or religion to marry and found a family; and - Article 25- everyone is entitled to the benefit of the highest possible level of physical and mental health. Likewise, according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), health is the complete state of physical, psychic and social well-being, and not only the absence of disease. Furthermore, studies made at the University of Harvard, have demonstrated that most people consider that to have children is an essential element of life, and that not being able to have them can cause a strong depression, similar to the one experienced by people knowing that they have cancer (Domar A.). Furthermore, the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, also demands freedom of religion; many of the arguments against the use of IVF in this sentence are of religious nature. A group of 15 couples demanded to state of Costa Rica at the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH), which admitted the request in 2004. This acceptance demonstrates the importance dispensed to the protection of sexual and reproductive rights; no resolution has yet been emitted. What do you think you on this sentence? What would you say to the CIDH if you were called to defend the rights of patients?
South Africa - Cape Fertility Clinic
Friday, February 20, 2009
India - Dr. Malpani
1) What are you basic IVF Fees in $USD?
Our charges for an IVF/ICSI treatment cycle are $ 3500 only. This includes all medical treatments and procedures. Medicines would cost about US $ 1000 more. However, the cost of medications can vary, and
depend upon how many injections you need for adequate superovulation.
- Is there a discount for paying in your local currency?
[Dr Malpani] No
2) Will you do Gestational Surrogacy Cycles?
[Dr Malpani] Yes
- Do you provide Surrogates?[Dr Malpani] No
- Can you refer to an agency that does arrange surrogates if you do not?[Dr Malpani] No
- Can Clients bring in their own surrogate?[Dr Malpani] Yes
- Would you work with a couple that wanted to transfer with two surrogates at the same time?[Dr Malpani] Yes
- Are there additional fees involved with having a surrogate?[Dr Malpani] Yes
3) Egg Donors?
- Do you provide Egg Donors?[Dr Malpani] Yes
- Can you refer to an agency that does arrange an Egg Donor if you do not?
- Can Clients bring in their own Egg Donor?[Dr Malpani] Yes
- Are there additional fees involved with having an Egg Donor?[Dr Malpani] Yes
4) Will there be additional cost for?
- ICSI? [Dr Malpani] No
- Assisted Hatching? [Dr Malpani] No
- Freeze and storage?[Dr Malpani] Yes
- PGD? [Dr Malpani] Yes
- Labs?[Dr Malpani] No
- Blastocyst? [Dr Malpani] Yes
- Meds?[Dr Malpani] Yes
5) Are there any additional costs not included above?
6) What day embryo’s do you usually transfer? [Dr Malpani] Day 2-3
How many embryo’s do you transfer?[Dr Malpani] 4
7) What is your pregnancy rates per started cycle (HFEA)? (preferably by age)[Dr Malpani] More than 45% when we transfer 4 embryos for women less than 35
8) Will you offer discounts based on cash payment or income need?[Dr Malpani] No
9) How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic? [Dr Malpani] 350
10) How long would I need to be in your Country? [Dr Malpani] 20
11) Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?[Dr Malpani] Yes
12) Do you help with travel logistics of flights and accommodations? [Dr Malpani] No
13) Can you briefly explain you countries IVF and Surrogacy laws and how this effects your international clients?
[Dr Malpani] At present, there is no legal protection for surrogacy in India, which means there is no secure mechanism by which you would be able to take your baby back with you . You can read about this The question you need to ask yourself is - How will I take my baby back with me after birth ?
I’d suggest you wait till the surrogacy law is passed.
14) Does your staff speak English?[Dr Malpani] Yes
We look forward to helping your readers to have a baby !
[Dr Malpani] Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270
FAX ( India) 91-22-22150223.
Helping you to build your family !
PS Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple, online at !
Get better medical care by storing your records free at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient relationship at
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Poland - Three years jail for IVF?
Three years jail for IVF?
Created: 18.02.2009 12:42
The “Contra In Vitro” Committee For Legislative Initiative is seeking 100,000 signatures to initiate a Project to change the civil code regarding the implementation of in vitro fertilization in Poland.
Head of the committee, Jacek Kotula, from Tyczyn in southeastern Poland, claims that the group aims to propose legislation before the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, after collecting enough signatures.
The Committee would like to amend Civil Code 160 to establish a law to the tune whoever engages in fertilization of an egg cell (fertilization by in vitro) outside of a mother’s body will face up to three years in prison. Article 160 that the group seeks to make law a prison sentence for endangering one’s life or for actions leading to the detriment the health.
As well, the group has proposed a law to imprison (for between five and 25 years) one who engages in embryonic stem cell research.
The “Contra In Vitro” Committee has declared that they are mounting a campaign to seek signatures all over Poland in order to initiate legislative in parliament on the issue. They have sought the aid of Catholic churches, asking priests to appeal for signatures during their sermons in mass.
“We are collecting signatures with the permission of the Bishop of Elk. For the past few days we have been collecting signatures and PESEL [identification] numbers,” states Father Jacek Uchan of the Elk parish, northeastern Poland.
The Catholic Church stands officially against in vitro fertilization and the Polish Federation of the Society of Catholic Families functions in Poland to uphold this stance.
Currently, Poland does not have established laws to address the specific issue of in vitro fertilization and the government, led by Civic Platform, has put together a bioethics committee to analyze the issue and propose legislation. The project is expected to regulate in vitro procedures including protecting the rights of an embryo, forbidding the sale of sperm and eggs, as well as banning the selection of eggs for fertilization. (mmj/pg)
Head of the committee, Jacek Kotula, from Tyczyn in southeastern Poland, claims that the group aims to propose legislation before the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, after collecting enough signatures.
The Committee would like to amend Civil Code 160 to establish a law to the tune whoever engages in fertilization of an egg cell (fertilization by in vitro) outside of a mother’s body will face up to three years in prison. Article 160 that the group seeks to make law a prison sentence for endangering one’s life or for actions leading to the detriment the health.
As well, the group has proposed a law to imprison (for between five and 25 years) one who engages in embryonic stem cell research.
The “Contra In Vitro” Committee has declared that they are mounting a campaign to seek signatures all over Poland in order to initiate legislative in parliament on the issue. They have sought the aid of Catholic churches, asking priests to appeal for signatures during their sermons in mass.
“We are collecting signatures with the permission of the Bishop of Elk. For the past few days we have been collecting signatures and PESEL [identification] numbers,” states Father Jacek Uchan of the Elk parish, northeastern Poland.
The Catholic Church stands officially against in vitro fertilization and the Polish Federation of the Society of Catholic Families functions in Poland to uphold this stance.
Currently, Poland does not have established laws to address the specific issue of in vitro fertilization and the government, led by Civic Platform, has put together a bioethics committee to analyze the issue and propose legislation. The project is expected to regulate in vitro procedures including protecting the rights of an embryo, forbidding the sale of sperm and eggs, as well as banning the selection of eggs for fertilization. (mmj/pg)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
We are a portal that brings together patients with trouble Conceiving.
In the same tried all kinds of subjects related to infertility treatment, psychological support, etc.. In the same tried all kinds of subjects related to infertility treatment, psychological support, etc. .. The website is not incorporated by doctors.
In the same tried all kinds of subjects related to infertility treatment, psychological support, etc.. In the same tried all kinds of subjects related to infertility treatment, psychological support, etc. .. The website is not incorporated by doctors.
The information published in Infertility-arg is taken from other information sites and medical journals, studied and evaluated carefully before its publication in the portal.
Our goal is to fill information gaps on the reproductive health of couples, a common space for open dialogue for all those couples that are put into the Web site to resolve their questions through a simple language and understandable terms.
Our great strength is the forum for opinion, where users can share experiences, give support and knowledge to other users, to help in this painful way.
The portal was born in 2003 and already has over 3500 active users. It was designed by Karina Dugo, patient several fertility clinics, which in its way is realized in Argentina not only the patient is alone, but the lack of abundant information and containment.
I hope that you will find it useful. I hope that you will find it useful.
Monday, February 16, 2009
China - Daiyun Surrogacy Agency
The agency matches Intended Parents with surrogates in China, but hospitals are prohibited from doing in virtro fertilization for surrogacy puposes in China.
Updated: 2007-05-15 11:05 Infertility can leave wannabe parents seeking desperate measures, but an online service could give birth to good news, as the service offers surrogate mothers as long as the price is right., a surrogate agency headquartered in Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province and with offices all over the country, claims it links up prospective parents with surrogate mothers in a legal and professional manner, with free information on egg and sperm donation. The agent purportedly says it has brought happiness for dozens of infertile couples through its services.
However, the agency has also met with sharp suspicion, especially when hospitals are prohibited from doing in virtro fertilization for surrogacy puposes in China.
Liu Baojun, the 28-year-old owner of the agency, says he got the idea of the surrogacy mediating service after one of his friends was forced to get divorced due to his infertility.
"I looked up lots of information and found surrogacy is a profession in some foreign countries, with special intermediary service agents registered with government departments. In China there was no official information. So, I opened this surrogacy agency about a year ago," Liu explained.
He claims his agency now has offices in over 20 cities all over the country, with more than 120 registered surrogate mothers.
The surrogates are classified into nine groups and priced according to such factors as educational background and facial appearances. He said a college girl can be paid a minimum of 70,000 yuan.
According to Liu, prospective couples pay the agency at least 5,000 yuan for information and another 5,000 yuan to be matched up with a surrogate mother, while the agency doesn't charge the surrogates.
"We get at least 10,000 yuan for every successful match." Liu says, adding that the clients are required to pay 1,000 yuan as a deposit, before showing the couples photos and information of the surrogates.
The paid expectant mothers may in return get a certain amount of cash compensation in addition to their living expenses, rent, medical fees and transportation. The sum is usually calculated based on the surrogate's two-year salary.
Liu said the surrogates are not encouraged to develop an emotional or sexual relationship with the clients, but stressed the agency won't be responsible if both parties mutually engage in sexual activities.
As to the legal issue, Liu believes surrogacy is legal, since Chinese law says nothing on such surrogate match-making services.
"We have a confidentiality agreement with the surrogates. Once she completes the contract, all concerning materials will be destroyed, " Liu said. "Surrogacy borders on both the law and morality, and does not go against the law."
But lawyers and sociologists have different opinions.
Wei Yongqiang, a lawyer with a Zhejiang-based law firm, says the interests and rights of surrogate mothers are protected when associated with a hospital, not with an agency like the one Liu has. Furthermore, the agent is not in a position to guarantee the surrogate mothers will not engage in illegal or immoral activities, such as acting as prostitutes or mistresses.
A sociology professor with Zhejiang University thinks surrogacy should be stopped since it is against social morals and constitutes a violation on human rights. Liu Zhijun adds that surrogacy often ends in tragedy, like extra-marital affairs, family disputes, and even crime.
The agency matches Intended Parents with surrogates in China, but hospitals are prohibited from doing in virtro fertilization for surrogacy puposes in China.
Online surrogacy agency gives birth to morality debate
By Jessie Tao ( 2007-05-15 11:05 Infertility can leave wannabe parents seeking desperate measures, but an online service could give birth to good news, as the service offers surrogate mothers as long as the price is right.
A screenshot of the surrogacy match-making website. [] |
However, the agency has also met with sharp suspicion, especially when hospitals are prohibited from doing in virtro fertilization for surrogacy puposes in China.
Liu Baojun, the 28-year-old owner of the agency, says he got the idea of the surrogacy mediating service after one of his friends was forced to get divorced due to his infertility.
"I looked up lots of information and found surrogacy is a profession in some foreign countries, with special intermediary service agents registered with government departments. In China there was no official information. So, I opened this surrogacy agency about a year ago," Liu explained.
He claims his agency now has offices in over 20 cities all over the country, with more than 120 registered surrogate mothers.
The surrogates are classified into nine groups and priced according to such factors as educational background and facial appearances. He said a college girl can be paid a minimum of 70,000 yuan.
According to Liu, prospective couples pay the agency at least 5,000 yuan for information and another 5,000 yuan to be matched up with a surrogate mother, while the agency doesn't charge the surrogates.
"We get at least 10,000 yuan for every successful match." Liu says, adding that the clients are required to pay 1,000 yuan as a deposit, before showing the couples photos and information of the surrogates.
The paid expectant mothers may in return get a certain amount of cash compensation in addition to their living expenses, rent, medical fees and transportation. The sum is usually calculated based on the surrogate's two-year salary.
Liu said the surrogates are not encouraged to develop an emotional or sexual relationship with the clients, but stressed the agency won't be responsible if both parties mutually engage in sexual activities.
As to the legal issue, Liu believes surrogacy is legal, since Chinese law says nothing on such surrogate match-making services.
"We have a confidentiality agreement with the surrogates. Once she completes the contract, all concerning materials will be destroyed, " Liu said. "Surrogacy borders on both the law and morality, and does not go against the law."
But lawyers and sociologists have different opinions.
Wei Yongqiang, a lawyer with a Zhejiang-based law firm, says the interests and rights of surrogate mothers are protected when associated with a hospital, not with an agency like the one Liu has. Furthermore, the agent is not in a position to guarantee the surrogate mothers will not engage in illegal or immoral activities, such as acting as prostitutes or mistresses.
A sociology professor with Zhejiang University thinks surrogacy should be stopped since it is against social morals and constitutes a violation on human rights. Liu Zhijun adds that surrogacy often ends in tragedy, like extra-marital affairs, family disputes, and even crime.
Mexico - Centro Médico de la Mujer Monterrey
This space is dedicated to all those couples who have had problems when trying to have children and not seeing results.
We provide information on our fertility treatment as well as operations and treatments we provide for the welfare of Health, Physical, Emotional and Social.
We know that the purpose of life is procreation and the perpetuation of the species and the evolution of human beings ever upward, our commitment is to help achieve these objectives for couples who for various circumstances have not been able to do.
We hope to solve your problem with all the support that science now allows us to finally and above all with the support of God
Dr. Rogelio Montemayor Garza Subespecialista en Medicina Reproductiva. | Centro Médico de la Mujer (Cons. 404) Tel: 01(81)8347-8488 / 01(81)8676-6595 Monterrey, N.L. |
This space is dedicated to all those couples who have had problems when trying to have children and not seeing results.
We provide information on our fertility treatment as well as operations and treatments we provide for the welfare of Health, Physical, Emotional and Social.
We know that the purpose of life is procreation and the perpetuation of the species and the evolution of human beings ever upward, our commitment is to help achieve these objectives for couples who for various circumstances have not been able to do.
We hope to solve your problem with all the support that science now allows us to finally and above all with the support of God
Mexico - Center for Assisted Reproduction S.C. (CREASIS) Monterrey
Center for Assisted Reproduction S.C. (CREASIS) was founded under the direction of Dr. Manuel Rolando García Martínez and Dr. Carlos Arce Felix, after his training in the USA.
Since its genesis, CREASIS has been formed as a center of attention to the couple with infertility problems. Since its inception, CREASIS provides pregnancy rates comparable to the major world centers. Seal of quality and its evolution is based on a select group of doctors trained dogmatically in the main centers of the world.
Thus, CREASIS has the necessary human and technological updates and innovation to provide effective patient care as reflected in our results.
Being leaders in their field, all medical CREASIS are accredited teachers of major schools of Medicine in Monterrey.
In addition, CREASIS has outreach centers in the rest of the Mexican Republic. CREASIS is accredited by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction who supports fertility centers in Latin America.
Dr. Manuel R. García Especialista en Biología de la Reproducción | Director CREASIS y CIMA Santa Engracia-CREASIS Calle: Dr. Enrique Peña #118, Col. Los Doctores Tels. +52 81 83 33 44 56 ext 2 Monterrey, N.L., México |
Center for Assisted Reproduction S.C. (CREASIS) was founded under the direction of Dr. Manuel Rolando García Martínez and Dr. Carlos Arce Felix, after his training in the USA.
Since its genesis, CREASIS has been formed as a center of attention to the couple with infertility problems. Since its inception, CREASIS provides pregnancy rates comparable to the major world centers. Seal of quality and its evolution is based on a select group of doctors trained dogmatically in the main centers of the world.
Thus, CREASIS has the necessary human and technological updates and innovation to provide effective patient care as reflected in our results.
Being leaders in their field, all medical CREASIS are accredited teachers of major schools of Medicine in Monterrey.
In addition, CREASIS has outreach centers in the rest of the Mexican Republic. CREASIS is accredited by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction who supports fertility centers in Latin America.
Mexico - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Dr. Victor A. Batiza Resendiz Ginecología/Obstetricia. Especialista en Biología de la Reproducción | Centro Médico de la Mujer – Constitución Av. Constitución No. 1881 pte consultorio No. 109. Colonia Obispado. Monterrey, N.L. Tels: 8333 6084, 8122 4700 ext 4109. |
Mexico - Red Crea Mexico City
Who are we?
Área de ultrasonido (para seguimientos foliculares, etc) Area of ultrasound (for follicular monitoring, etc)
Sala de inseminaciones Board of inseminations
Equipo de Laparoscopia e Histeroscopia Team Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
Quirófano para captura ovular y transferencia embrionaria Operating room to capture ovulate and embryo transfer
Farmacia de medicamentos especializados Pharmacy medicine specialist
Who are we?
Red crea es la primera red de medicina reproductiva del país. Red is the first network created for reproductive medicine in the country. Somos una institución integrada por una verdadera red de profesionales reconocidos, que ofrecen servicios de cirugía reproductiva y reproducción asistida de manera personalizada, de alta calidad y económicamente accesibles, brindando un servicio integral, de manera que los pacientes pueden recibir sus tratamientos de reproducción a través de su medico de confianza o de los médicos afiliados a Red Crea . We are an institution composed of a network of recognized professionals who provide reproductive surgery and assisted reproduction in a personalized, high quality and affordable, providing a service, so that patients can receive their treatment through reproduction trust your doctor or of doctors affiliated to Create Network.
Como su nombre lo indica, somos una red de servicios y profesionales que trabajamos siempre en equipo y con comunicación constante, de tal modo que los pacientes siempre están con su médico de confianza pero tienen todo el respaldo de la red entera, lo que al final se traduce en mejores resultados. As its name suggests, we are a network of services and professionals who work in teams and provided with constant communication, so that patients always trust your doctor but have the full backing of the entire network, which at the end translates into better results.
Junto con ello Red Crea cuenta con la infraestructura necesaria para la realización de tratamientos de alta complejidad dando como resultado excelentes tasas de efectividad. Together with this network has created the necessary infrastructure for carrying out complex treatments resulted in excellent rates of effectiveness.
Red Crea ofrece un espacio físico en donde se pueden realizar procedimientos de Cirugía Reproductiva y Técnicas de Reproducción asistida. Create Network offers a physical space where they can perform procedures Reproductive Surgery and Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Este espacio está provisto de: This space is equipped with: Además Red Crea cuenta con laboratorio de Andrología, Hormonas, Análisis Clínicos y Bacteriología, todo para que el médico titular pueda realizar sus protocolos de diagnóstico con la mayor certeza de resultados. Moreover Network has created Andrology Laboratory, Hormones, and Clinical Bacteriology, any owner so that the doctor can perform diagnostic protocols with greater certainty of results.
Cabe mencionar que la forma de trabajar de la Red Crea , permite ofrecer a los pacientes los costos más accesibles, lo que disminuye notablemente la deserción a la que muchas veces nos enfrentamos en nuestra práctica diaria. It is worth mentioning that the way to work in the Create Network, allows patients to provide more affordable cost, thus reducing significantly the desertion that many times we face in our daily practice.
Mexico - Institute Vida (Life) Guadalajara
The Institute of Life Sciences in Human Reproduction has offices in the cities of León (Guanajuato), Guadalajara (Jalisco), Matamoros (Tamaulipas) and Mérida (Yucatán). Offered to infertile couples, the attention of medical and paramedical personnel trained (in the country and abroad) and certified in the specialty of Reproductive Biology (by the Mexican Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology), as well as equipping schools with to offer the latest advances in reproductive medicine, which allows more accurate diagnostic laboratory studies, ultrasound, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and especially with a thorough medical history to provide the best alternatives to achieve pregnancy and accompany the way to becoming parents. These results support that our schools are supported by national and international institutions (such as the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction). Institute Life - Guadalajara S and seeks at all sites the same quality of care in both professional and human and that couples can choose to have professional or center that they would like to be addressed. Curriculum offered and location data of the individual medical center and working to establish communication with the medical staff who wish to address them. Institute of Life is committed to offer the latest technological and scientific services, which include genetics, Gynecological Endocrinology, Operative Endoscopy, Nutrition, Psychology, Andrology and Assisted Reproduction. In the latter field are impressive progress and better results, especially in patients with previous treatment failures. There are advances in vitrification ovulate, Laser Assisted Hatching, improved culture media, drugs and effectiveness of higher purity, less aggressive treatment schemes, gift ovulate, Laser Assisted ICSI, IMSI, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or PGD, prevention of infertility and preservation of fertility in patients who are subjected to antineoplastic treatments. The results of our institute are presented in national and international congresses, as well as in various publications. Thousands of babies have been conceived by couples treated at our clinics. We are also concerned about keeping our costs. We also offer publications, courses, degrees and training programs for physicians. Consult us. We are targeting infertile couples and our life. | ||
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Mexico - Institute of Fertility of Mexicali
The Institute of Fertility of Mexicali inside the Hospital de la Mujer building. We apply the most advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology thanks to our specialists in the area. Their experience, warmness and spirit of service will guide you step by step in everything you need to know and to do in regards to our services. Please do not hesitate to contact us today. | |
$4,500.00 USD includes: Psychoanalyst group session, follicle monitoring from the Institute of Fertility Of Mexicali, Recovery and Operating Room, anesthetist, hormonal monitoring (three estradiol doses), gamete laboratory, follicle aspiration and embryo transfer. Prescriptions and medications are not included. Ovulation inducers have a cost of around $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 USD. depending on each particular case. In case of sperm aspiration from the epididymis or testicular biopsy, there is an additional cost of $1,200.00 USD. Procedure costs with frozen embryos is the same to the full procedure.
$750.0 USD (First year fee, paid when frozen embryos are confirmed).
$1,000.00 USD
$100.00/Yr USD. This costs can vary if egg or sperm donation is required. We encourage you to request information directly to Phone (686) xxx-xxxx, and update your budget when receiving the indications for the treatment. Costs above are subject to change without notice and are also subject to the exchange rate (Dollar-Peso) of the day of transaction. Forms of Payment: You can make a deposit to the account of The Institute from HSBC Bank: 70 02393833, Pay directly in the Institute by cash, check or credit card (Visa, Mastercard), or Make your deposit securely and inmediately on line. Treatment payment shall be fully covered a day before of the follicle aspiration.
$8,0000.00 USD Includes: Psychoanalyst group session, follicle monitoring from the Institute of Fertility Of Mexicali, Recovery and Operating Room, anesthetist, hormonal monitoring (three estradiol doses), gamete laboratory, follicle aspiration and embryo transfer. Cryopreservation: $750.00 USD Frozen Embryo Transfer: $1,000 USD Embryo Maintenance Fee: $100.00/Yr. Costs above are subject to change without notice and are also subject to the exchange rate (Dollar-Peso) of the day of transaction. Laboratory exams from the recipient are not included. Includes medication form the donor. In case of sperm aspiration from the epididymis or testicular biopsy, there is an additional cost of $1,200.00 USD. When ready, please follow this simple steps: - Request your inclusion to the waiting list. Present a picture of the recipient patient. - Cover a fee of around $500 USD for previous studies and/or evaluation of the donor. - Once the date of the procedure has been scheduled, proceed to cover the rest of the obligatory requisits. - An advance payment is required (around $1,000.00 USD). Please take note that no receipt or invoice will be delivered for being included in the waiting list or by donor compensation. |
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Mexico - The Institute of Studies for Human Conception
Beginning our third decade of service.
The Institute of Studies for human Conception
In 1986, The Institute of Studies for Human Conception (IECH) was founded by a group of doctors who dedicate their lives and practice to the study and treatment of infertile couples. In 1988, the first baby was born in Mexico using a novel technique called GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer) in an egg donor program. Today IECH boasts more than 1,700 babies born with IECH’s assistance. To ensure that the IECH staff are constantly trained in the latest assisted reproductive techniques, we rely on the scientific collaboration of Yale Fertility Center Director Dr. Pasquale Patrizio, MD. Together with him, IECH doctors Dr. Samuel Hernández Ayup, Dr. Roberto Santos Haliscak and Dr. Pedro Galache Vega, have brought the practice of assisted reproduction in Mexico to international acclaim.
Our practice has now grown to include dozens of physicians and three locations throughout Northern Mexico. While growing to meet the needs of our patients, we have remained true to our philosophy of providing contemporary medical care in an environment that supports each couple individually. The IECH has also played an active role in the medical community regarding human reproduction, sharing our clinical experience in local, national and international academic forums, as well as contributing to the development of highly qualified specialists.
Today, IECH ranks among the most successful fertility programs in the country. Our medical team is among the best in the field, nationally and worldwide. These dedicated specialists share a passion for their profession that has resulted in outstanding pregnancy rates for the past twenty years. Working together, our group of physicians, embryologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are able to identify and overcome even the most complex infertility issues.
The Institute of Studies for human Conception
In 1986, The Institute of Studies for Human Conception (IECH) was founded by a group of doctors who dedicate their lives and practice to the study and treatment of infertile couples. In 1988, the first baby was born in Mexico using a novel technique called GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer) in an egg donor program. Today IECH boasts more than 1,700 babies born with IECH’s assistance. To ensure that the IECH staff are constantly trained in the latest assisted reproductive techniques, we rely on the scientific collaboration of Yale Fertility Center Director Dr. Pasquale Patrizio, MD. Together with him, IECH doctors Dr. Samuel Hernández Ayup, Dr. Roberto Santos Haliscak and Dr. Pedro Galache Vega, have brought the practice of assisted reproduction in Mexico to international acclaim.
Our practice has now grown to include dozens of physicians and three locations throughout Northern Mexico. While growing to meet the needs of our patients, we have remained true to our philosophy of providing contemporary medical care in an environment that supports each couple individually. The IECH has also played an active role in the medical community regarding human reproduction, sharing our clinical experience in local, national and international academic forums, as well as contributing to the development of highly qualified specialists.
Today, IECH ranks among the most successful fertility programs in the country. Our medical team is among the best in the field, nationally and worldwide. These dedicated specialists share a passion for their profession that has resulted in outstanding pregnancy rates for the past twenty years. Working together, our group of physicians, embryologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are able to identify and overcome even the most complex infertility issues.
Spain - La Ciguena
Pioneers in Spain.
Pioneers in Spain.
En 1.984 creamos nuestro Banco de Semen . In 1984 created our Semen Bank.
Hemos atendido de forma satisfactoria a decena de miles de parejas infertiles, y contamos con miles de niños nacidos en los 28 años de experiencia con los distintos tratamientos y técnicas de fertilidad. We have successfully handled tens of thousands of infertile couples, and we have thousands of children born in the 28 years of experience with different treatments and techniques of fertility.
En septiembre de 2004 creamos un servicio gratuito : CONSULTA ON-LINE GRATUITA, con este servicio hemos atendido a decenas de miles de parejas infertiles, a facultativos interesados en la fertilidad ya profesionales de la información. In September 2004 we created a free service: FREE CONSULTATION ON-LINE, with this service we have served tens of thousands of infertile couples, doctors interested in fertility and information professionals.
Ponemos a vuestra disposición todas las técnicas de Reproducción Asistida y nuestra extensa experiencia. We put at your disposal all assisted reproduction techniques and our extensive experience.
Nuestra vocación y dimensión nos permite dar un trato más personalizado. Our mission and size allows us to give a more personalized treatment.
Dada nuestra estructura estamos en condiciones de dar la mejor calidad asistencial, tecnológica y el máximo índice de éxito gestacional. Given our structure we are able to give the best quality care, technology and the highest pregnancy success rate.
Disponemos de la última y más avanzada tecnología. We have the most advanced and latest technology.
Asesoramiento de psicólogos, genetistas y anestesistas . Counseling psychologists, geneticists, and anesthesiologists. Damos cobertura diaria , incluidos sábados, domingos y festivos. We cover daily, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Nuestra Unidad está compuesta por profesionales, dedicados cada uno de ellos a las distintas áreas de la Reproducción Asistida, dirigido por el Dr. Hurtado de Mendoza Our unit is composed of professionals, each dedicated to different areas of the Assisted Reproduction, led by Dr. Hurtado de Mendoza
Spain - Ginefiv
We are an Assisted Reproduction team made up of more than 60 professionals specialised in different areas (Gynaecology, Biology, Urology, Nursing and Psychology) led by Professor Bajo Arenas (Professor at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, Head of the Gynaecology Department and President of the Spanish Gynaecology and Obstetrics Society) and Dr Martínez de Arenaza. Every day we team up and channel all our experience, efforts and hopes into meeting our main objective: achieving the best results in terms of pregnancy rates. Ever since our foundation in 1987, we have been pioneers in the field of Sterility and Infertility Treatments in Spain. In 1988, our work led to the birth of the first baby resulting from the use of a frozen embryo in Madrid. In 1996, our work led to the birth of the first baby conceived through an Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. At present, we treat the largest number of cases in the Community of Madrid. We believe it is very important to foresee the precautionary measures necessary in the event of possible complications. Therefore, the clinic is built within a hospital infrastructure, more specifically within a Maternity Hospital (Clínica Belén), with gynaecologists and anaesthetists on call 24 hours a day and equipped with the most advanced technology. We are aware of the emotional repercussions that the discovery of fertility problems can have on the couple. That is why we strive to provide the couple with the most compassionate and friendly care possible, as well as with all the necessary information. In order to make our patients feel as comfortable as possible in our Centre, we have a Patient Support Team. Made up of 4 people, it is available at all times to answer your questions about the techniques, planning and organisation of your treatment, the costs of the treatments and consultations, medical covers, psychological support, etc. The proven experience of our team of specialists rests on two pillars: • Our contributions to the scientific community through the publication of numerous books in the field of our specialisation, articles in scientific magazines, papers in national and international congresses and the close collaboration with other National and Foreign Centres specialised in Assisted Reproduction. • The trust of a great many professionals in the field of human reproduction, who at times refer their patients to Ginefiv for the treatment of their fertility problems (60% of our patients) and others who choose to come to Ginefiv to train and retrain in the field of assisted reproduction. |
Spain - Fundadores del Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad
The Valencian Infertility Institute was founded in 1990 as the first medical institution in Spain specializes entirely in human reproduction.
The philosophy of this clinic at the forefront of reproductive medicine, is based on providing excellent quality care and humane treatment and provide customized solutions. We follow a method of investigating the couple, through the analysis, diagnosis, treatment and preparation of the application, to evaluation of the result, coupled with continuous monitoring to provide light to other therapeutic options, if done by necessary to change the treatment or repeat the same in a new cycle. All with the latest technology to perform each technique with the best guarantees of success.
We work to see that couples filled his dream of having a baby with less risk. But it is also important for us to offer a more humane medicine, provide a sensitive psychological care, taking into account the emotions and tensions to which they are subjected infertile couples.
Patient demand has led us to open the Task IVI centers in different cities in Spain: IVI Valencia, Castellón IVI, IVI Madrid, IVI Murcia, Almería IVI, IVI Sevilla, Barcelona IVI, IVI Vigo, Spain and the rest of the IVI Mexico , IVI IVI Lisbon and Santiago de Chile.
Also we go to patients and professionals in Spain and the world through our website, place to which we welcome. Through this web site will know who we are and how we can help you put all the science and technology in the service of fertility.
If you're a woman, so you can have a child, if you're a doctor, so you know that we work with you. "
Dr. Antonio Pellicer and José Remohí
Founders Valencian Infertility Institute
The philosophy of this clinic at the forefront of reproductive medicine, is based on providing excellent quality care and humane treatment and provide customized solutions. We follow a method of investigating the couple, through the analysis, diagnosis, treatment and preparation of the application, to evaluation of the result, coupled with continuous monitoring to provide light to other therapeutic options, if done by necessary to change the treatment or repeat the same in a new cycle. All with the latest technology to perform each technique with the best guarantees of success.
We work to see that couples filled his dream of having a baby with less risk. But it is also important for us to offer a more humane medicine, provide a sensitive psychological care, taking into account the emotions and tensions to which they are subjected infertile couples.
Patient demand has led us to open the Task IVI centers in different cities in Spain: IVI Valencia, Castellón IVI, IVI Madrid, IVI Murcia, Almería IVI, IVI Sevilla, Barcelona IVI, IVI Vigo, Spain and the rest of the IVI Mexico , IVI IVI Lisbon and Santiago de Chile.
Also we go to patients and professionals in Spain and the world through our website, place to which we welcome. Through this web site will know who we are and how we can help you put all the science and technology in the service of fertility.
If you're a woman, so you can have a child, if you're a doctor, so you know that we work with you. "
Dr. Antonio Pellicer and José Remohí
Founders Valencian Infertility Institute
Mexico - Leticia Quezada Proposes Maternal Surrogacy Law
I ran this story that is written in Spanish through a google translator.
It doesn't make complete sense in English.
Please help if you can post a better translation.
The president of Equity and GE
Nero of the Legislative Assembly
DF pre Leticia Quezada Contreras
sense today an initiative to create
the law of subrogation with maternal
which seeks to regulate the rental of
uterus in the Federal District
In an interview with El Sol de Mexico
co lawmaker said that the PRD
the initiative will only be for the District
Federal to what will be the prime
ra legal entity that will give certainty to
those couples who can not
and children who use the services of
lasllamadas surrogate mothers
He added that this activity is carried
place in other countries of the world and
As an example he cited the case of this
United States where a woman income
its parent in more than 50 thousand dollars
while prices in India
ranging between 10 mil and 12 mil pe
cases and similar cases is occurring in
Italy Spain and Germany
In an income Euse
parent in more than 50 thousand
while in U.S. dollars
India costing 10 thousand
nil to 12 pesos
Leticia Quezada
In the case of Mexico City
ised Contreras pointed out that such advice
modest as to legal for couples to be
free but can not be made the im
plant's egg and the sperm fecun
given that the woman in this matrix
Hospital Network in the City of Mexico
co but in private hospitals or other clinical
lations also provide women
matrix does not charge for it
In the initiatives presented today
will include penalties for those
Women charged for providing their rent p
wombs to couples who wish to have children after
know who are disabled to procreate
They charge between 400 thousand and up
one and a half million pesos
The legislator said that currently
income wombs will cost between 400
thousand and a million and a half until depesos by rioja
that the new Act Subrogation Mater
ing such practices are conducted without cos
to any
The proposal is to regulate this method
for couples that use it have not
gan is also seeking legal problems
will sign a contract to determine
with the birth and who are the
parents to avoid being undertaken
trials of parenthood by
of women who provide the matrix for the
birth of a child to prevent a partner
be given for parents
The idea is to protect the best interests of the
child and there is no cost so that
proposal seeks to and will not be charged san
tions hard to do so because in this case ei
uterus is not a commercial tampa
co is a potentially eat andalusia f
ciency noted Quezada Contreras
In Mexico City there are no recognized í
you an exact number of how many female prisoners
service as surrogate mothers for andalusia
not be regulated the method is performed for
ma and illegal in some private hospitals
two where the cost of insemination is loa
50 thousand to 70
The initiative pesos
The initiative seeks to regulate
to regulate the rental andalusia i
pa rent wombs of
that this method Utemspam k j
can come to is that this method j
burning may come with a andalusia
legal treatment of a scheme which
i signed before a notary public to follow contratojunfao iy
all these cases before sefirme aue
| Built by notary
Legal co jeria
ordination with the
Civil Registry of the Federal District abounded
He explained that in order to establish with ^
tion contract or the woman who wants this mé
all to have a child must submit xxri
official medical diagnosis to confirm quq
is precluded from pregnancy to luegd
the contract with a woman and
fertile and is not forced or deceived Parai
provide the product and is parent of
nine months since it is delivered to the couple
with the signing of the document
It doesn't make complete sense in English.
Please help if you can post a better translation.
The president of Equity and GE
Nero of the Legislative Assembly
DF pre Leticia Quezada Contreras
sense today an initiative to create
the law of subrogation with maternal
which seeks to regulate the rental of
uterus in the Federal District
In an interview with El Sol de Mexico
co lawmaker said that the PRD
the initiative will only be for the District
Federal to what will be the prime
ra legal entity that will give certainty to
those couples who can not
and children who use the services of
lasllamadas surrogate mothers
He added that this activity is carried
place in other countries of the world and
As an example he cited the case of this
United States where a woman income
its parent in more than 50 thousand dollars
while prices in India
ranging between 10 mil and 12 mil pe
cases and similar cases is occurring in
Italy Spain and Germany
In an income Euse
parent in more than 50 thousand
while in U.S. dollars
India costing 10 thousand
nil to 12 pesos
Leticia Quezada
In the case of Mexico City
ised Contreras pointed out that such advice
modest as to legal for couples to be
free but can not be made the im
plant's egg and the sperm fecun
given that the woman in this matrix
Hospital Network in the City of Mexico
co but in private hospitals or other clinical
lations also provide women
matrix does not charge for it
In the initiatives presented today
will include penalties for those
Women charged for providing their rent p
wombs to couples who wish to have children after
know who are disabled to procreate
They charge between 400 thousand and up
one and a half million pesos
The legislator said that currently
income wombs will cost between 400
thousand and a million and a half until depesos by rioja
that the new Act Subrogation Mater
ing such practices are conducted without cos
to any
The proposal is to regulate this method
for couples that use it have not
gan is also seeking legal problems
will sign a contract to determine
with the birth and who are the
parents to avoid being undertaken
trials of parenthood by
of women who provide the matrix for the
birth of a child to prevent a partner
be given for parents
The idea is to protect the best interests of the
child and there is no cost so that
proposal seeks to and will not be charged san
tions hard to do so because in this case ei
uterus is not a commercial tampa
co is a potentially eat andalusia f
ciency noted Quezada Contreras
In Mexico City there are no recognized í
you an exact number of how many female prisoners
service as surrogate mothers for andalusia
not be regulated the method is performed for
ma and illegal in some private hospitals
two where the cost of insemination is loa
50 thousand to 70
The initiative pesos
The initiative seeks to regulate
to regulate the rental andalusia i
pa rent wombs of
that this method Utemspam k j
can come to is that this method j
burning may come with a andalusia
legal treatment of a scheme which
i signed before a notary public to follow contratojunfao iy
all these cases before sefirme aue
| Built by notary
Legal co jeria
ordination with the
Civil Registry of the Federal District abounded
He explained that in order to establish with ^
tion contract or the woman who wants this mé
all to have a child must submit xxri
official medical diagnosis to confirm quq
is precluded from pregnancy to luegd
the contract with a woman and
fertile and is not forced or deceived Parai
provide the product and is parent of
nine months since it is delivered to the couple
with the signing of the document
Brasil - Centro de Reprodução Humana de Campinas
Last update on 13 February 2009 at 10:44:30
Center for Human Reproduction in Campinas:
..... The Center for Human Reproduction of Campinas (CRHC), the main clinic for reproductive medicine in the region and one of the most important of the country, with 560 square meters of construction.
It has two wings:
..... A clinical area where is located the reception, the consulting room, ultrasound room, interview room, nursing and application of medicines, laboratory room used by Franceschi, meeting room, library and the support .
..... The second area was restricted to three laboratories, all in sterile field, to work with a specific semen and vaccines in the area of immunology of reproduction, one of cryopreservation of sperm, ova, embryos, testicular and ovarian tissue and a second of in vitro fertilization. Three rooms (suites), complete surgical center (locker room with bathroom, espurgo room, recovery room, anesthesia and care of materials).
..... Rear: We start with the generator associated with rapid and automatic "no-brake" that cover the laboratories, surgical centers and home with the basic areas and gas system, with automatic exchange of cylinders in cases to stop the gas , used in laboratories and surgical centers.
..... The CRHC was inaugurated on 16 April 1997, bringing private area for over ten years experience in the medical university UNICAMP. Today this experience is the sum of all the years passed since the inauguration.
Call Center:
(19) 3243 1317 - 3243 1347
Center for Human Reproduction in Campinas (19) 3243 1317 - 3243 1347 - All rights reserved -
About CRHC:
:: A clinical ...
:: Images ...
:: Dr. Daniel Faúndes
:: Dr. Carlos Alberto Petter
:: Dr. Paz Lucero
:: Dr. Paulo Marcelo Perin
:: Dr. Ricardo D. Saade
:: Dr. Alessandra Matos
:: Dr. Egle C. C. Carvalho
:: Questions and answers
:: Visit our library
:: Technical Dictionary
:: HIV - sperm purification
:: ICSI - Microinjeção SPZ
:: IVF - in vitro fertilization
:: Donation of ova
:: Insemination homologous
Who and Where:
:: Getting there (map)
Last update on 13 February 2009 at 10:44:30
Center for Human Reproduction in Campinas:
..... The Center for Human Reproduction of Campinas (CRHC), the main clinic for reproductive medicine in the region and one of the most important of the country, with 560 square meters of construction.
It has two wings:
..... A clinical area where is located the reception, the consulting room, ultrasound room, interview room, nursing and application of medicines, laboratory room used by Franceschi, meeting room, library and the support .
..... The second area was restricted to three laboratories, all in sterile field, to work with a specific semen and vaccines in the area of immunology of reproduction, one of cryopreservation of sperm, ova, embryos, testicular and ovarian tissue and a second of in vitro fertilization. Three rooms (suites), complete surgical center (locker room with bathroom, espurgo room, recovery room, anesthesia and care of materials).
..... Rear: We start with the generator associated with rapid and automatic "no-brake" that cover the laboratories, surgical centers and home with the basic areas and gas system, with automatic exchange of cylinders in cases to stop the gas , used in laboratories and surgical centers.
..... The CRHC was inaugurated on 16 April 1997, bringing private area for over ten years experience in the medical university UNICAMP. Today this experience is the sum of all the years passed since the inauguration.
Call Center:
(19) 3243 1317 - 3243 1347
Center for Human Reproduction in Campinas (19) 3243 1317 - 3243 1347 - All rights reserved -
About CRHC:
:: A clinical ...
:: Images ...
:: Dr. Daniel Faúndes
:: Dr. Carlos Alberto Petter
:: Dr. Paz Lucero
:: Dr. Paulo Marcelo Perin
:: Dr. Ricardo D. Saade
:: Dr. Alessandra Matos
:: Dr. Egle C. C. Carvalho
:: Questions and answers
:: Visit our library
:: Technical Dictionary
:: HIV - sperm purification
:: ICSI - Microinjeção SPZ
:: IVF - in vitro fertilization
:: Donation of ova
:: Insemination homologous
Who and Where:
:: Getting there (map)
Austria - Wunschbaby Zentrum

IVF Funds
On January 1st, 2000, the Ministry of Social Security and Generations established the so-called IVF Funds for Austrian residents. Under certain conditions, this government support covers 70% of the cost for four IVF or ICSI procedures. The couple is responsible for 30% of the costs for the procedures and medications.
Because every patient reacts differently to treatment, medical costs vary depending on the duration of treatment, hormone levels and bodily response; the average cost is 300–600 Euros.
Procedure deductibles:
IVF Procedure - 467.60 Euros
ICSI Procedure - 551.50 Euros
Frozen embryo transfer - 179.90 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle before puncture (e.g. due to low response to stimulation) - 70.20 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle after puncture (e.g. due to unsuccessful fertilization) - 327.30 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle after puncture and ICSI - 386.00 Euros
Testicular puncture - 179.90 Euros
Costs of a private attempt not covered by the IVF Funds, depending on the method and medication, range from 1,500–5,000 Euros. Exact costs are determined by the individual therapy plan.
IVF Funds
On January 1st, 2000, the Ministry of Social Security and Generations established the so-called IVF Funds for Austrian residents. Under certain conditions, this government support covers 70% of the cost for four IVF or ICSI procedures. The couple is responsible for 30% of the costs for the procedures and medications.
Medication deductibles:Because every patient reacts differently to treatment, medical costs vary depending on the duration of treatment, hormone levels and bodily response; the average cost is 300–600 Euros.
Procedure deductibles:
IVF Procedure - 467.60 Euros
ICSI Procedure - 551.50 Euros
Frozen embryo transfer - 179.90 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle before puncture (e.g. due to low response to stimulation) - 70.20 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle after puncture (e.g. due to unsuccessful fertilization) - 327.30 Euros
Cancellation of a cycle after puncture and ICSI - 386.00 Euros
Testicular puncture - 179.90 Euros
To qualify for the Austrian Social Security – IVF Funds coverage, the following requirements have to be met:MEDICALLY APPROVED INDICATIONS
- Tubal sterility: mutually closed, removed, or non-functioning fallopian tubes
- Endometriosis
- male limited fertility (verified by two spermograms, at least one month apart and not older than two years)
- At the onset of a procedure, a woman must not exceed 40 years and her partner 50 years of age.
- Both partners have to have health insurance in Austria (certificate of insurance and a copy of the “e-card”; if they have private insurance, a certificate of insurance is required).
- Individuals who do not have Austrian citizenship are required to have health insurance in Austria for at least three months and a certificate of insurance.
- Cost coverage is for both married couples and non-married couples living together.
Costs of a private attempt not covered by the IVF Funds, depending on the method and medication, range from 1,500–5,000 Euros. Exact costs are determined by the individual therapy plan.
Turkey - Fertilio
Fertilio offers an all inclusive IVF/ICSI package for your comfort.
We aim to provide a care-free treatment experience in a holiday atmosphere. The city of Istanbul is an exciting place to spend a full two weeks at. The cultural sightseeings such as the Hagia Sophia are plentyful, but the city also has a very European lifestyle.
Upon request Fertilio offers a custom made package including personal preferences to the package, for example airline tickets or adding a week of beach holiday at the beautiful Turkish riviera.
The costs of treatment will be charged after the medical file of our guests has been approved for treatment by our IVF-specialists in Turkey. Payment is by creditcard and can be done from our website on a secure webpage.
The costs of treatment will be charged after the medical file of our guests has been approved for treatment by our IVF-specialists in Turkey. Payment is by creditcard and can be done from our website on a secure webpage.
If you would like to apply for a fertility treatment, please click here.
Argentina - Fertility Services
No surrogacy is practiced in this country. This is for IVF only.
Welcome to our international program!
We provide fertility services with state-of-the-art reproductive technology to english speaking patients in their own language.
The ready availability of anonymous European type donors for special fertility treatments at affordable prices makes this program unique.
Our US specialist and his staff will make you feel comfortable while being treated abroad, without the need of translators.
FEES | |
First Office Visit (one-time only) | $ 300 |
IVF w/ ICSI | $ 3,000 |
IVF w/ donor eggs (4 eggs guaranteed) | $ 4,300 |
Sperm Retrieval (in azoospermic patients) | $ 1,200 |
IVF w/ donor sperm | $ 3,300 |
PGD | $ 2,200 |
All prices in US Dollars |
Welcome to our international program!
We provide fertility services with state-of-the-art reproductive technology to english speaking patients in their own language.
The ready availability of anonymous European type donors for special fertility treatments at affordable prices makes this program unique.
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Mexico - Legal and Ethical Aspects
In Mexico, as in the rest of the world, the increasing development of TRA has been a huge challenge to the legislation. The new science - medical exceeded anything that could have been foreseen by law. Legal science has to face many questions related to new family structures, different affiliations that arise from the donation of gametes and hiring surrogate mothers or subrogated, to the final disposition of gametes and embryos, and in general, to new social conditions created by family and reproductive assistance.
Must be approved homologous insemination with husband's sperm after his death? Must have access to insemination single women, widows, divorcees and concubines? Must maintain the anonymity of those who donate their gametes? Is it legitimate financial compensation for donors? Is ethically justified maternity substitute the call? Should it be legal to pay Surrogate mothers? Should I resign from the donor to parental gametes to a third party anonymous? What is the ethical and anthropological status of the embryo, it can be donation, purchase and sale or adoption? Can be manipulated embryos for research and experimentation?
Perhaps the work of translating answers in legislation more difficult in the Mexican culture in other countries where the concept of family ties and no shapes the lives of children, adults and elderly as in Mexico.
There is no greater insult to a Mexican dishonorable mention his mother, regardless of age of the victim and her mother is alive or not. "Old-menopausal" is an insult directed at adult women who express their anger in an express manner, regardless of age and hormonal condition. Both examples reflect the strength of family ties, particularly motherhood, and the high value placed on fertility in Mexico.
In these circumstances, the prevailing controversy in the process of legal regulation and regulation of assisted reproduction. The Federal Civil Code and the General Health Act are the instruments that govern and regulate medical practice throughout the country. Additionally, each state has its own Civil Code. Currently only two states included in the Mexican Civil Code laws governing the implementation of the TRA, the State of Guerrero and the State of Tabasco.
The General Health Act includes current concepts regarding the TRA, such as germ cell and embryo, but is not specific in regard to the essential questions raised above.
In April 1997, State of Tabasco lawmakers responded to several of these questions through the reform of the Civil Code for the State. His intention was to make civil law Tabasco one of the most current and modern in the country. This code legitimizes and legalizes artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and other assisted reproduction method, but limited to married couples and those living in public as if they were husband and wife, without any impediment to marry each other. This code establishes the obligation of the consent of both partners as a prerequisite for access to reproductive care and determines that grounds for divorce is the insemination of the woman without the consent of her partner. It also recognizes the separation of biological parents and the parents and legal differences to the biological mother of the substitute or surrogate mother. In case of surrogacy, the woman feels like a mother contracting law.
The Civil Code of the State of Tabasco indissociable provides several important aspects of the implementation of the TRA. However, this legal approach, unprecedented in this country, it contains other implications of assisted reproduction: post-insemination, in the anonymity of the donor insemination heterologous and the disposition of embryos transferred in excess of one cycle.
Legal Aspects of Mexico surrogate motherhood
In Mexico firms represents the Intended Parents who arrange surrogacy agreements through CSP. This role includes drafting the appropriate contracts, providing legal counseling and assisting couples through the termination of the parental rights of the Surrogate Mother and/or Egg Donor. Surrogate Mothers are represented by independent counsel to assure that they fully understand the rights and obligations of entering into the agreement.
In Mexico it is critical that all parties to a surrogacy agreement have had an opportunity to properly evaluate the risks involved in selected infertility treatments prior to the commencement of any medical procedures. It is also critical that the parties have carefully considered the legal ramifications of entering into a written surrogacy agreement itself.
Because a surrogacy contract involves constitutionally protected parental rights and reproductive freedoms, obtaining legal representation is an important step to creating a valid surrogacy agreement with a Surrogate Mother and Intended Parents.
Comprehensive contracts should be executed prior to entering into any surrogacy arrangement to memorialize the intent of the parties. As two recent ground-breaking California cases, Johnson v. Calvert and Buzzanca v. Buzzanca, have illustrated, legal parental relationships may be established when Intended Parents initiate and consent to medical procedures intending to create a child they will raise, regardless of whether there is a genetic relationship between them and the child. The clearest manifestation of this intent is the contract.
Although few jurisdictions have passed laws on the legality of surrogate parenting, this burgeoning area is generating tremendous interest among legal scholars. Without question, surrogacy activity in both the legislative arena and in the courts is inciting both positive and negative responses and, in many instances, leaving the law in a state of flux.
In Mexico, as in the rest of the world, the increasing development of TRA has been a huge challenge to the legislation. The new science - medical exceeded anything that could have been foreseen by law. Legal science has to face many questions related to new family structures, different affiliations that arise from the donation of gametes and hiring surrogate mothers or subrogated, to the final disposition of gametes and embryos, and in general, to new social conditions created by family and reproductive assistance.
Must be approved homologous insemination with husband's sperm after his death? Must have access to insemination single women, widows, divorcees and concubines? Must maintain the anonymity of those who donate their gametes? Is it legitimate financial compensation for donors? Is ethically justified maternity substitute the call? Should it be legal to pay Surrogate mothers? Should I resign from the donor to parental gametes to a third party anonymous? What is the ethical and anthropological status of the embryo, it can be donation, purchase and sale or adoption? Can be manipulated embryos for research and experimentation?
Perhaps the work of translating answers in legislation more difficult in the Mexican culture in other countries where the concept of family ties and no shapes the lives of children, adults and elderly as in Mexico.
There is no greater insult to a Mexican dishonorable mention his mother, regardless of age of the victim and her mother is alive or not. "Old-menopausal" is an insult directed at adult women who express their anger in an express manner, regardless of age and hormonal condition. Both examples reflect the strength of family ties, particularly motherhood, and the high value placed on fertility in Mexico.
In these circumstances, the prevailing controversy in the process of legal regulation and regulation of assisted reproduction. The Federal Civil Code and the General Health Act are the instruments that govern and regulate medical practice throughout the country. Additionally, each state has its own Civil Code. Currently only two states included in the Mexican Civil Code laws governing the implementation of the TRA, the State of Guerrero and the State of Tabasco.
The General Health Act includes current concepts regarding the TRA, such as germ cell and embryo, but is not specific in regard to the essential questions raised above.
In April 1997, State of Tabasco lawmakers responded to several of these questions through the reform of the Civil Code for the State. His intention was to make civil law Tabasco one of the most current and modern in the country. This code legitimizes and legalizes artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and other assisted reproduction method, but limited to married couples and those living in public as if they were husband and wife, without any impediment to marry each other. This code establishes the obligation of the consent of both partners as a prerequisite for access to reproductive care and determines that grounds for divorce is the insemination of the woman without the consent of her partner. It also recognizes the separation of biological parents and the parents and legal differences to the biological mother of the substitute or surrogate mother. In case of surrogacy, the woman feels like a mother contracting law.
The Civil Code of the State of Tabasco indissociable provides several important aspects of the implementation of the TRA. However, this legal approach, unprecedented in this country, it contains other implications of assisted reproduction: post-insemination, in the anonymity of the donor insemination heterologous and the disposition of embryos transferred in excess of one cycle.
Legal Aspects of Mexico surrogate motherhood
In Mexico firms represents the Intended Parents who arrange surrogacy agreements through CSP. This role includes drafting the appropriate contracts, providing legal counseling and assisting couples through the termination of the parental rights of the Surrogate Mother and/or Egg Donor. Surrogate Mothers are represented by independent counsel to assure that they fully understand the rights and obligations of entering into the agreement.
In Mexico it is critical that all parties to a surrogacy agreement have had an opportunity to properly evaluate the risks involved in selected infertility treatments prior to the commencement of any medical procedures. It is also critical that the parties have carefully considered the legal ramifications of entering into a written surrogacy agreement itself.
Because a surrogacy contract involves constitutionally protected parental rights and reproductive freedoms, obtaining legal representation is an important step to creating a valid surrogacy agreement with a Surrogate Mother and Intended Parents.
Comprehensive contracts should be executed prior to entering into any surrogacy arrangement to memorialize the intent of the parties. As two recent ground-breaking California cases, Johnson v. Calvert and Buzzanca v. Buzzanca, have illustrated, legal parental relationships may be established when Intended Parents initiate and consent to medical procedures intending to create a child they will raise, regardless of whether there is a genetic relationship between them and the child. The clearest manifestation of this intent is the contract.
Although few jurisdictions have passed laws on the legality of surrogate parenting, this burgeoning area is generating tremendous interest among legal scholars. Without question, surrogacy activity in both the legislative arena and in the courts is inciting both positive and negative responses and, in many instances, leaving the law in a state of flux.
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